I like the idea of using search engine meta-tags to "redirect" those who tend to window-shop before they buy... but fully indoctrinated JWs have already been thoroughly warned to use JW.org as their starting point (not Google)... but it's a good start... it may even plant a seed now and then...
Calebs Airplane
JoinedPosts by Calebs Airplane
Will the 'Make Good Use of Our Official Website' discussion backfire?
by jw07 ingood day everyone,.
i'm a born in jehovah's hostage, and am still a hostage until i can wake my family up (wishful thinking i know).
i'll formally introduce myself later.. for now i have some burning concerns about the service meeting part for the week of december 24, 2012.
Why are Regular Pioneers Increasing?
by Gayle inwe know the "bar" for pubs.
was lowered, 15 min/month pubs are counted.
increases in pubs are decreasing annually, 1.9% worldwide, .9% u.s. .
Our Spiritual Heritage
by BlindersOff1 in"our spiritual heritage".
trying to find the watchtower reference in the last couple of yrs to the value of researching old wt publications.. .
anyone know it or a good search term to find it.
Calebs Airplane
The Society knows that very few JWs are going to read these older publications... They really just want to clear out their old liter-a-trash and hopefully generate some revenue at the same time (assuming the friends don't forget to drop in a few dollars before walking away with their "spiritual treasures")...
The Gentile Times Reconsidered (607 B.C.E.) -Part A1 - Jeremiah 25:10-12 Reviewed
by FaceTheFacts induring the last three to four months, i have spent a great deal of time sinking my teeth into various critical biblical commentaries and lexicons.
naturally, after beginning to research "the truth about the truth" one of the most commonplace yet controversial arguments revolve around the "gentile times" doctrine (i.e.
the application of the seven times of daniel 4 from 607 b.c.e.
Calebs Airplane
FaceThe Facts...
Here's a brief history lesson for ya...
- In the early 1820's, a strange fellow by the name of John Aquila Brown took a few Bible texts completely out of context and came up with an absurd speculative calculation (360 X 7 = 2,520) in a half-assed attempt to detemine the length of the Gentile Times.
- A few decades later, leaders of several "dooms-day" religions, including the Adventists read "The Even Tide" (1823) by John Aquila Brown and saw an opportunity to cash in on some well-organized fear-mongering campaigns. This was the beginning of the Armageddon craze.
- Charles Taze Russell liked what he saw and wanted a piece of this action. So he jumped on the band wagon but decided to create his own unique product so he searched for Bible texts to take out of context and created an incredibly embarrassing list of new doctrines which has taken the Watchtower over 100 years to clean up albeit they're still stuck with quite a few.
- Some of these religions even pointed to particular years such as 1913, 1915, 1917, etc.
- Charles Taze Russell decided to go with October 1914.
- Obviously, Armageddon didn't arrive in 1913, 1915, 1917 or even the Bible Student's date of October 1914. So all of these religions decided to abandon this completely unauthorized calculation (Acts 1:7). But Russell saw an opportunity to clean up his mess by simply latching on to World War I (which really started in July 1914... not October 1914) and then simply used a phrase that is still in use by the Watchtower Corporation today... "Current Understanding".
- The phrase "current understanding" along with Proverb 4:18 soon became the Jehovah Witnesses free pass to change their flawed doctrines and failed predictions at will.
- While all of this was ongoing, the Bible Students certainly DID NOT expect Jesus to return in 1914 (as the WT would have the rank & file believe today) as they were taught in no ambiguous terms that he had already returned in 1874 and it wasn't until the late 1920's that Rutherford decided to move 1874 to 1914.
- Fast forward to 2010... Governing Body member Anthony Morris III (in the DVD "Faith In Action") stated: "The fact that they (the Bible Students) were able to pinpoint that year is just phenomenal" giving credit to the Bible Students for the 2,520-year calculation even though it really originated with John Aquila Brown and NOTHING that was predicted by the Bible Students actually came true. This DVD even states on TWO (2) occasions that the Bible Students looked to 1914 decades in advance as the year that Jesus would return. Obviously, this is completely and utterly false as is plainly evident in WT publications printed before the 1920's.
FaceThe Facts... Before asking anyone to face any more facts, you really need to get your hands on early WT literature and determine whether or not the Watchtower has been grossly misrepresenting these "facts"
The Gentile Times Reconsidered (607 B.C.E.) -Part A1 - Jeremiah 25:10-12 Reviewed
by FaceTheFacts induring the last three to four months, i have spent a great deal of time sinking my teeth into various critical biblical commentaries and lexicons.
naturally, after beginning to research "the truth about the truth" one of the most commonplace yet controversial arguments revolve around the "gentile times" doctrine (i.e.
the application of the seven times of daniel 4 from 607 b.c.e.
JUST finished The Gentile Times Reconsidered!
by FaceTheFacts inhaving just finished reading the gtr (4th edition), i've compiled my notes and observations and am composing a comprehensive review/analysis of many sections.
so my question: would anyone be interested in reading and/or participating in a discussion about a number of jonnson's viewpoint?
be assured, it will be of substantial merit and not the typical superficial and remiss arguments you perhaps expect from someone who is a jw.. .
Calebs Airplane
This book exposed 3 things that made me wake up...
1) The Watchtower has forcefully given itself credit for 2,520-year (7 Times of Gentiles) calculation when, in fact, this calculation was made at least 50 years before the Watchtower even existed. In the 2010 DVD Faith In Action, Anthony Morris even states "The fact that they (the Bible Students) were able to pinpoint that year is just phenomenal." What he doesn't mention is that John Aquila Brown was peddling this 7-Times calculation 50 years before the Watchtower was even founded and that several religions were looking at 1912, 1913, 1916, 1917, etc. as the year for Armageddon. The Bible Students chose October 1914 but then latched on to WWI (which started in July 1914) as proof that they were right. Right about what?
2) Jeremiah 25:11 unambiguously mentions 70 years of servitude. It also mentions the word "desolation" but DOES NOT say how long that desolation would last. However, the Watchtower has chosen to completely ignore the word SERVITUDE and substitutes it with the word desolation so that their false doctrine about 607-1914 will at least make some sense. They do this because they know that there was no servitude after 539 since Nabonidus and his son Belshezar were killed in that year. I hate to state the obvious, but that would mean 68 years of servitude (2 years short of 70).
3) The Watchtower has a long history of taking secular sources completely out of context to prove that they are right about this 2,520-year speculative calculation. They do this despite Jesus' reminder about speculating on things that are under God's jurisdiction (see Acts 1:7).
Jonsson hit the nail on the head with this book.
What do you mean?! I ALWAYS go to the beach after service and wear long pants and button up shirts while I play a game in the sand with my family! Sometimes I wear button up long sleeve shirts too!
by Crisis of Conscience inthe wts likes to imply how jws should dress in and outside of the hall.
you always want to set an example.. so i couldn't help but share this beauty in the january 15th, 2013, study edition of the watchtower.
i always go to the beach like this!
Calebs Airplane
Don't you guys know that wearing long sleeve shirts and long trousers is part of Beach Cricket etiquette? Sheesh...
If JW Missionaries Were Abducted By Terrorists How Would The Watchtower Society Handle It?
by minimus inwhat do you think?.
Calebs Airplane
A) They will do NOTHING.
B) They will arrange to send the terrorists an obscene amount of money and then publish a WT article about how God's angels or his holy spirit had a hand in setting them free simply because they were faithful JWs. (It'll be an investment in recruitment marketing)
But in this economy, I think they'll just go with option A.
Bethel Tour anyone? Stay at any of these hotels. Pay with your credit card, but the Bethel Branch will get the "Reward Points" NOT YOU !!!
by Calebs Airplane inatlantis... you rock !!!.
by the way... notice how this boe warns elders not to share this "confidential" info with hotel personnel.... these guys are such scammers..
Calebs Airplane
Atlantis... you rock !!!
By the way... Notice how this BOE warns elders NOT to share this "confidential" info with hotel personnel...
These guys are such scammers.
What activity or dream did you put off till the New System?
by nochoice inafter reading the thread about jw kids getting gifts all year and not needing christmas, i thought about how i was told there would be plenty of toys in the new system.
i was told that on my birthday too.
and now i started thinking about all the things i justified suffering growing up as a kid, and then a teenager, and then an adult, because it would be better in the new system.
Calebs Airplane
Having kids... Now it's too late for my wife and I... even if we adopt, it would be too much right now...